About Rottne - brand information

Brand info pages are one of the premium services of Mascus. This is the place where you can quickly find useful information about Rottne as well as further details about the Rottne product portfolio. If you are interested in contacting the seller of Rottne, simply click on one of the Rottne models you are interested in. You can view the Rottne machinery / vehicles from all over the world or you may decide to browse only local ads. Another option is to see only the latest ads with Rottne models or search for dealers. Soon Rottne info page will provide the most interesting information such as: company history, opinions about popular models of this brand, links to manuals, users’ tips, description of interesting accessories, as well as list of Rottne dealerships. For the time being we are working on preparing this information. If you are a fan, dealer or work for the Rottne brand and you would like to help, please contact us. We are looking forward to your e-mail at communication@mascus.com

Rottne used forest machines

Rottne Industri AB, the Swedish company, produces forwarders and harvesters in several factories based in Sweden. The main factory is located in Rottne and their main area of expertise concerns manufacturing components, but they are also involved in assembling forestry equipment and developing products. Use Mascus search form to browse through thousands of ads. Find some models of used forwarders or harvester manufactured by Rottne and available on Mascus.

How to find forest machines from Rottne

The box below shows you all types of harvesters, forwarders and forest machines available on Mascus. They are divided in various categories and models which make it easy for you to find exactly the forest machine you are looking for.
Rottne is one of the leading producers of modern forestry machines. The production process takes place in Sweden, but the market is much broader than that as Rottne sells their vehicles in Europe, Australia and North America. Rottne company was founded in the 1950s, when Börje Karlsson started the company Börjes Mekaniska, a small workshop in Rottne. It turned out that there is a great demand for the forestry machines and it grew even bigger during the 1960s. A new workshop opened in 1961 and it exists till this very day. Some of the machines produced by Rottne are manufactured in two other Swedish cities: Lenhovda and Stensele.

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If you want to buy used forwarders

Mascus does not own any of the harvesters or forwarders advertised on the online marketplace. That is why, go through each ad to get the seller’s contact information and contact the relevant person directly on your own. There are plenty of new ads within popular categories for Rottne forestry machines added on Mascus every day. Remember to visit Mascus buy and sell pages regularly and check for yourself.

Sell used forest machines from Rottne

Just place an ad within a specific category if you would like to sell your used harvesters on Mascus. It’s an easy process!

Become a dealer

If you use Mascus regularly to buy and sell harvesters or forwarders, please sign up as a dealer. Then, you will be given the opportunity to pay for ads via invoice system. Mascus can also provide your company with the special offer that includes extra bonuses available for dealers. Use Mascus Locator to search for dealers who sell new and used Rottne harvesters. Contact Mascus should you have any questions.

Mascus Brand Encyclopaedia

Mascus has been continuously improving their texts concerning various manufacturers, e.g. Rottne, hoping that in the future Mascus Brand index pages will become a sort of online Encyclopaedia for the heavy machinery and transportation vehicles. If you could help us and provide some quality information about Rottne and other manufacturers, please send your texts to communication@mascus.com