Tankmart International

4545 Avenue des Industries
Laval, Quebec H7C 1A1
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About the company

Tankmart International is a Quebec company founded in 1983 by Mr. Kavanagh and Mr. Laberge, two men with extensive experience in the use of tanks for the bulk transportation industry. Today, the company has three subsidiaries and serves the whole Canadian market. It has become the undisputed leader of the Canadian tank industry. You can benefit in many ways from doing business with Tankmart International. Whether you buy a new or a used vehicle, you can count on first-rate after-sales service. All purchases come with technical assistance, parts, maintenance, and repair services. Very few companies offer as wide a range of services, all under the same roof, as we do. So, if you want to buy a new or used tank, lease one to haul or store your products, or get your tank repaired or tuned up, there's only one company to call ! Tankmart International.

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    How to get to Tankmart International

    Contact Tankmart International

    This is the Mascus directory listing for Tankmart International located in Canada, Québec, Laval.

    You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact Tankmart International using the contact form on the right.